So maybe you’re thinking, a new Horror section at Boswell?
Just what might we find? How about some
new (and new-ish) horror that we love? Like:
Bunny, by Mona Awad. This one made it onto a few staff
recommendation shelves when it landed last summer, after being passed around
the staff. If I recall correctly, Parker, Rachel, and Margaret all read it, and
I’m pretty sure someone else is going to say to me “I did too!” when they see
this sentence. Rachel sums it up pretty nicely – “full of frat boys running
around who are so cute and so headless,” and really, what more could you want?
Paul Tremblay is arguably one of the buzziest horror writers
of the moment, and his new novel, Survivor Song (out July 7 - mark your calendar! preorder! celebrate!), is definitely not going to
stop that. I was a big fan of his Cabin at the End of the World (I say it’s The Strangers meets Sophie’s Choice, ay yi yi). I think what Tremblay does best is take
a classic high horror concept and execute it with intimate, frightening,
this-is-all-too-real surgical precision, and his new virus novel is no
A Cosmology of Monsters was one of Jason’s favorites of this
past fall. Stephen King says “If John Irving ever wrote a horror novel, it
would be something like this.” And Jason calls it “the ultimate homage to
classic horror like HP Lovecraft and his kind. Hamill brilliantly unravels the
story over the course of many encounters, which caused me to doubt what I
thought I knew about the story, and the end was a sucker punch!”
I really liked Iain Reid’s first novel, I’m Thinking of Ending Things, a creepy psychological horror, and
Kay was a big fan of his second, Foe. Kay says, “A couple live in an almost
dream-like state. Their world feels off-kilter from the beginning. Then a man
makes an unannounced late night visit. Tension in the household becomes almost
unbearable even as it remains explicitly unrecognized. Just when it looks like
the story will turn left, it turns upside down. This is a delightfully
disturbing book.”
In our horror section, you’ll also see the classic monster
mash – Dracula, Frankenstein, and say hello, Cthulhu. Plus, Stephen King, the
most-adapted-to-film author alive, and all his pals. His family, too – hi, Joe
Hill. How about taking a stab (get it?!) at a cult-y writer like Thomas
Ligiotti or Stephen Graham Jones? Or, if you prefer your screams of terror
blended with chuckles, there’s books like My Best Friend’s Exorcism and
Meddling Kids, a couple of books that Margaret and I love, and believe me, if
the two of us can agree on them, it’s proof pretty much anyone will dig them.
Right now, the real world is a little too much like some horror novels, but we’re looking forward to the day when we can show everyone our favorite new section of the store. And don’t worry, we’re still going to have that problem of what goes in the section and what doesn’t – the original reason we didn’t separate out the books in the first place!
PS – let me give shoutout to the Horror Writers Association,
which cosponsored the Trussoni event. Members Anthony Hains and Dean M King were
going to join us to read short excerpts of their work. Why not check them out
here (anthonyhains.com) and here (facebook.com/AuthorDeanKing) ?
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