Heading into the home stretch of this holiday season, I have a grab-bag
of books left from the Boswellians selections that could interest one two folks on your
Holiday Shopping List. In this first group, I have put the books that have
a bit fantastical invention scattered throughout their plots:
"This haunting and thrilling book, set in late 1800s Hungary,
1970s Oxford, and the present day, starts with Hannah on the run; her husband
is near death while their daughter lies asleep in the back seat of the car
unawares. Just what or who exactly are they escaping from? The demon is a shape
shifter who’s been haunting the women in Hannah’s family for generations. Now
Hannah has to find a way to stop this creature before it’s too late. I don’t
even know how to categorize this book. Thriller? Mystery? Historical fiction?
Fantasy? No matter, I’ll just say it was great." --Jen Steele
This was also one of my top picks of the year, as well Jim Higgins at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel!
The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness
"I've been eagerly devouring The Book of Life, the final volume of
The All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness. She is an historian like her
protagonist, Diana Bishop, and weaves a spell that enthralls readers and never
lets up. A wonderful blend of magic, history, and science combined with witches
and vampires, this fantasy will keep you reading well into the night. I loved
the all secondary characters which are well developed and the magical world
built here appears realistic. I love this trilogy and hope you pick it up on
your next trip to Boswell." --Pam

"A story about a beautiful, loving crane and a violent, greedy
volcano. Or a story about George, the crane he saves and Kumiko, the mysterious
woman George falls in love with. Or a story that starts at the beginning of
another story's ending. In his storytelling, Patrick Ness has taken a Japanese
myth, mixed it with The Decemberists song "The Crane Wife 1 & 2"
and created a beautiful tapestry. It’s an ancient story magically woven into a
modern setting full of primal human emotions, a story that does not truly end."
Jen Steele
"19-year old Kelsea, raised in isolation, is on her way back home
to ascend her throne, trailed by many who wish her killed. Her only protection
is the loyal Queen’s guard, headed by stoic Lazarus, as well as the Tearling
Sapphire, a powerful, magical jewel. Kelsea was educated during her exile, but
kept in the dark about the state of her kingdom and the devil’s bargain her
ineffectual mother, the Queen, made with the neighboring Mortmesne. Upon her
arrival, a rash decision brings down the wrath of the powerful Sorceress, the
Red Queen of Mortmesne. Set in world with discordant elements of a medieval
past and dystopian future, I really enjoyed this novel featuring a young but
determined female character who doesn’t know whom she can trust. It is filled
with political intrigue, magic, adventure, and a very useful map." --Pam Stilp
If those didn't help cross off any names on your list, perhaps this next group of
books will. These have a bit of the horrors we can find in the world and
in the people around us:
"While visiting her wealthy parents in Port-au-Prince,
Mireille Jameson is kidnapped in front of her family. Her father, a prominent
citizen, has a strict policy of not paying ransoms. The story moves back and
forth between the horror that Mireille undergoes at the hands of her captors,
and her personal history, both as a daughter of Haiti, and as a wife and
mother. What happens to her while she is held prisoner is only part of the
story. When she is released, she must regain her sense of person, and conquer
the fear that engulfs her. An Untamed State is a bold and unvarnished novel
that will open the reader’s eyes to a part of the world that they may not be
familiar with. I highly recommend it." --Sharon Nagel
"An absolute page-turner of a mystery! Taking place in
an eerie Ozarks small town, a grotesque murder is the hot topic, which
jumpstarts the revisiting of a peculiar incident that happened years earlier in
the same town; an odd disappearance of a young woman, and new mother. Both
mysterious events challenge the trust and meaning of blood ties for a
particular family. Twisted and chilling!" --Carly Lenz
"Death Row isn’t exactly the place you might expect to
find hope, but this book is all about small miracles in peculiar places. In the
darkest of prison cells and the darkest of hearts, there is light. Denfield
finds that light, coaxes it out, and encourages it to glow even brighter. This
book is beautiful." --Greg Bruce
This next selection of titles all deal with the known & the unknown
(and perhaps the known unknowns or unknown knowns, or whatever that was). Characters in these books have something
missing from their lives that they would love to have solved. Though, for the
third title down, is about discovering a group of people who make some tough
decisions for all of us
"Tsukuru, now 36, is forced by a potential new love interest to
reevaluate events from sixteen years ago, when a group of friends banished him
from their circle. He is a self-proclaimed colorless, empty shell with nothing
to offer. Can Tsukuru delve back into all the depressing events of his life,
the missed opportunities and misconstrued circumstances, as he follows the
trail of lost camaraderie? I loved the melancholic atmosphere that Tsukuru had
to fight through on his journey--this is classic Murakami gold." --Jason Kennedy
"After Michael Hainey's father dies, the then 6 year
old is given no explanation. That lack of explanation leaves a gaping hole
inside the author that leads him on a journey of self-discovery, no matter the
pain it might cause his family. Part memoir, part detective story-this is a
haunting, fascinating and elegiac story." --Jannis Mindel
"From a chef trying to breakout Peruvian cuisine to the chia
seeds’ attempt to be the next health savior, the author of Save the Deli
captures the world of food fads. The narrative jumps from specialty food award
shows to bacon festivals to the art of food forecasting. The Tastemakers looks
at the how long-term trends (healthy eating cocooning, authenticity,
convenience) combine with marketing (from turning chefs on to black rice to
convincing supermarkets to stock a new branded apple) to create the next
phenomenon, and how the internet and social media has speeded up trend
lifecycles. I personally think the subtitle overemphasizes the cupcake narrative,
whose slow rise (about ten years) is contrasted with the lightning speed
mainstreaming of the croissant style donut. The more interesting question is
why hasn’t completely flatlined, compared, say, with the quick rise and fall of
the açai berry. Sax tries to be neutral on most issues: he likes chefs and
local sourcing and environmental trends, but he also is fascinated by stage
five of food trends, which is when corporative mass market initiatives swoop in
for the kill, often killing the trend in the process, or at least returning it
to niche status. Greek yogurt-flavored cereal, anyone? David Sax has written a
fascinating cultural narrative that will appeal to foodies and business buffs
alike." --Daniel Goldin
And if none of those above have crossed names out on your list, here are some of the stragglers. They are all great, I just did not have the right grouping for these, other than they are all fantastic! Happy Holidays and enjoy all the books you get this season!
A Long Way Home by Louise Penny
"I had been looking forward to returning to Three Pines and
Inspector Gamache and company ever since I finished the last page of How the
Light Gets In. Penny creates such a fantastic sense of place that the reader is
fully prepared to pack his bags and book a flight to Quebec. Louise Penny’s
tenth novel shows us a different side of Armand Gamache. He has retired from
the Surete, and he and his wife have moved to Three Pines so he can recover
both mentally and physically. Not one to be without a mystery to solve for
long, Gamache agrees to investigate the disappearance of Peter Morrow, a
neighbor and friend. Once again, the author provides an intriguing puzzle but
more importantly, another installment in the lives of those characters that I
and countless other readers have come to love so well."--Sharon Nagel
"I was drawn in to this lovely book by the wonderful chapter
headings and compelled to stay by the wonderful characters and world of books.
Connection with life and other people is everything, and it is beautiful to
watch A.J.Fikry learn the truth of that."--Anne McMahon
I think this book deserves a double blast:
"Most people think that the life of a bookseller involves sitting
around and reading all day. This could not be farther from the truth. A.J.
Fikry runs Island Books on Alice Island, a ferry ride away from the rest of the
world. He is a curmudgeonly man, who has recently lost his wife, and doesn’t
see much happiness in his future. His valuable manuscript of Tamerlane has been
stolen and he’s drinking a little too much. Things begin to turn around for
A.J. when he meets Amelia, a publishing rep, and when a baby is abandoned in
the bookstore. This story is a testament to the power of literature and
bookstores; how they can bring people together and change their lives.
Gabrielle Zevin has created a celebration of books and readers, where the
bookstore in a community is almost a character itself." --Sharon Nagel
"I picked up Roxane Gay’s fantastic novel, An Untamed State, on a
whim a few months ago. Having just finished her new book of essays, I have now
progressed to being a full-fledged fan, and will yammer about her to anyone who
will stand still long enough. Her funny and discerning collection of essays
runs the gamut from playing Scrabble competitively, to watching Girls, to
discussing current issues like abortion and women’s reproductive rights. She
has the uncanny ability to state things in both an articulate and relatable way
that will cause the reader to shake her head and say, ‘Yes, that is exactly how
I feel too.’ I look forward to reading whatever this talented author produces
in the future."--Sharon Nagel
Lila by Marilynne Robinson
"Lila’s early life was terribly hard, her upbringing almost feral,
but she knew she was loved by Doll, the woman who rescued her from the
nightmare of her natural home. Years later, grown and alone, she seeks shelter
from a storm in a church in Gilead. She meets John Ames; their discussions
cause her to re-evaluate and struggle to reconcile the disparate stages of her
life. A very moving story, told in a fascinating voice, one that challenges the
reader to the same honesty."--Anne
K. McMahon
Last, but not least, one of the hottest selliing books of the season. A brillant look at becoming organized. I am sure Mel would tell you that my desk needs this book, but it would just get lost on it.
"I LOVE this book. Marie Kondo is in the tidying business. She's
paid to help people learn how to organize their stuff. Her appointment waiting
list is three months long! But Marie Kondo is really a magician whose vocation
is guiding people to the happiness in their lives. Thanks to this glorious
little book, you don't have to fly to Japan and wait for a private lessons to
discover her secrets. The how-to is very simple: you are to sort through your
possessions one by one, asking (and answering!) for each item ‘does this bring
me joy?’ And you must start with your socks! It seems very hocus-pocus and
new-age-y, but I found Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
inspirational and motivational. Her voice is gracious and firm, kind and
resolute. The results are instantaneous (try her unique folding technique and
vertical storage methods); the change is permanent. But don't take it from
me--take it from the tiny drawer that I fit every single one of my heavy wool
sweaters into!!" --Mel Morrow
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