Here we are--days away from holiday season wrapping up. Below is the last of our staff's Top 5 selections for 2016. The theme this week is children's books, as the selections are almost all for the younger audience. Perhaps you have a last minute item to add to a niece or nephew's reading list for 2017--perhaps, it is one of the books below...
Top 5 Picks for 2016:

Roz, a robot, washes up on a remote island, she has to survive. Roz must seek
help from those animals who fear her. The short chapters chronicle Roz’s many
adventures where she often is in a perilous situation. Using her logic, and
most of all, kindness, Roz is a heroic character. Many stylized black and white
illustrations enhance the story, which would be great to read out loud. When
the Wild Robot ends with a cliff-hanging, readers will clamor for a sequel
NOW!!” $16.99

remarkable book tells the true story of a German minister, Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
who was part of the conspiracy to kill Adolph Hitler. In short engrossing
chapters, Dietrich grows from a dreamy and sometimes fearful child to an
amazing man who risked his life to secretly alert other countries about Hitler’s
evil deeds and to ask for help against him. Photographs and short sidebars in
each chapter effectively highlight historical facts. This well researched book
paints a stunning portrait of a courageous man.” $18.99 $15.19 in the shop

is an emotional book about a 13 year old boy nicknamed “Ghost,” who becomes a
good runner while running away from his gun-toting dad. Filled with anger and
rage, Ghost gets into many altercations at school. When Coach offers him a
chance to run on a special track team, can Ghost stay out of trouble? Well
drawn characters and suspenseful situations combine with a very readable text
and dashes of humor. Ghost will leave an impact on readers long after the last
page.” $16.99 $13.59 in the shop
out Barbara’s Top 5: Gertie's Leap to Greatness by Kate Beasley ($16.99) and When Mischief Came to Town by Katrina Nannestad ($16.99)
Ogres Awake! By James Sturm
Wizard of Id for today's younger set, Ogres Awake! contrasts the violent
strategy of a knight with the much more peaceful, forward-thinking plans of the
king and his staff. It's not that the knight isn't heroic; it's that there are
ways to address a scary threat that do not involve pouring boiling oil on said
threat. It's one part graphic novel, one part picture book, and kids will love
the gallantry of the knight and the king's revealed solution for the pending
ogre problem." $14.99

“As I
shed tears through the end of this book, I was thinking how necessary stories
like 12-year-old Shane Woods's are for all ages to know. Baseball star Shane
Woods has a new sorta-girlfriend, a great best friend, and is finally getting
along with his dad -- and then his entire school finds out he's transgender.
While he's always really been a boy, Shane's biology has needed some help with
hormone injections and other therapies to match who he really is.
Unfortunately, the truth is complex and kids can be cruel. With bullying rising
around him, Shane worries he's lost his friends and his favorite pastime, all
for being his true self. What a heartfelt story!” $16.99 $13.59 in the

improves upon his charming formula from Hilo book one by allowing DJ and Hilo
to question the basis of their friendship in this adventurous new installment.
Planting hints about what may happen in the harrowing last pages, visuals
entice throughout -- the reader is left to wonder how DJ, Hilo, and friends
will survive this time around. The conclusion sets up for a third installment
-- but nothing feels forced. Learning about the compounding effects of more and
more people becoming aware of and affected by Hilo's existence is natural and
future reads are welcome." $13.99
out Todd’s Top 5: The Loney by Andrew Michael Hurley ($25.00 $20.00 in
the shop) and I Used to Be a Fish by Tom Sullivan ($17.99).
Mighty Jack by Ben Hatke
“If ever
there was a more appropriate time to exclaim ‘Cool beans!’ it would be when
discussing the awesomeness of Ben Hatke's latest graphic novel twist on Jack
and the Beanstalk, Mighty Jack. Hatke is a master storyteller, having a magical
talent to take life's everyday adventures and imbue them with the mysterious,
the amazing, and the fantastical. Hatke artfully manages to take a classic
story of a boy and beanstalk and have it resonate more as a modern tale. "$14.99
$11.99 in the shop

lovely picture book detailing the relationship between Ruby and Sapphire from
the children’s TV show, Steven Universe. A sweet reminder that the answer to
some of life’s new and difficult questions is a little flexibility, trust and
love.” $9.99
out Olivia V’s Top 5: Saga Volume 6 by Brian K. Vaughn ($14.99), She Changed Comics by Betsy Gomez ($14.99) and Art of the Pie by Kate McDermott ($35.00
$28.00 in the shop).
That's it--have a safe and happy holiday!
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